
A creative, energetic and funny adventurer who has learnt to make lemonade out of lemons! I love to travel alone, with friends or with my son and hope to share my travel stories here.  I enjoy dancing, singing, stand-up-comedy and painting, and do all sorts of creative activities and hope to share ideas with people here. I have learnt a ton of life lessons in my single mom journey and want to write about them. My life is always on the move and there’s lots going on, whether it is kid’s activities or funny dating stories or my own travel adventures or simply debates with friends on various topics. I hope this blog will be a fun, inspiring & hopeful read for folks! I would love to connect with people and learn from each other in this journey called Life!

I am very new to blogging, so would love your comments and feedback, especially from fellow bloggers. And of course, follow my blog if you enjoy it so you will know when I post something new!



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